Stryker 2040 Motorized ICU Critical Care Bed
Call us at 1.336.386.1040
Overall Length: 93” (236 cm)
Overall Width / Siderails Up: 45: (108 cm)
Overall Width / Siderails Down: 40” (102 cm)
Weight Capacity: 500 lbs (227 kg)
Standard Height Range / To Litter Top / High: 5” (83 cm)
Standard Height Range / To Litter Top / Low: 18” (46 cm)
Litter Positioning / Backrest: 0 to 90 degrees
Litter Positioning / Knee Gatch: 0 to 30 degrees
Trendelenburg / Reverse Trendelenburg: +10/-12 degrees
Patient Surface: 35” x 84” (89 x 213 cm)
Caster Diameter: Standard 6” (15 cm)
Our Experts
At Piedmont Medical, we are committed to our responsibility to our clients. Our after-sales service is designed to provide the highest degree of satisfaction.

Matthew Wurdeman
President/Sales Representative

Woody Wurdeman
Sales Representative