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Are Refurbished Stryker Hospital Beds Right For You?

Are Refurbished Stryker Hospital Beds Right For You?

There are approximately 6,200 hospitals with over 2.5 million hospital beds in use within the United States. Studies have shown that hospital beds are critical to proper patient care, with the type of bed picked directly impacting the patient’s recovery process. As a...

Why Are Hospitals Investing In Refurbished Beds?

Why Are Hospitals Investing In Refurbished Beds?

There is a reason why hospital stays are fairly expensive, with the average hospital stay costing a little more than $10,700 in the United States according to the HCUP. Part of this obviously has to do with procedures, as well as medications. But there is also medical...

3 Reasons Why Refurbished Resolution Beds Are In Demand

3 Reasons Why Refurbished Resolution Beds Are In Demand

Right now, there are 6,200 hospitals in the United States. This means that inevitably, a lot of hospitals will use the same types of medical equipment. In some cases, the exact same pieces of equipment may travel from one hospital to another, thanks to the medical...

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